Hi, my name is Monica - a natural born eater and recent running addict. These days I'm hungry CONSTANTLY thanks to an aggressive training plan, and have begun to notice the ways in which running has slowly adjusted my eating/drinking outlook. While I've always enjoyed healthy, produce filled meals, I'm much more likely to pass on the double fried pommes frites in favor of a salad and some multi-grain bread since I know I'll regret that greasy cart food come mile 5 of my long run a few hours later.
One of the biggest issues I had while training for the half marathon was getting enough calories. I mean as tempting as it is to chug PBRs at Doc Holiday's somehow I don't think beer is the preferred choice for carbo fuel. Finding healthy, filling meals and snacks is my new mission and luckily, New York has plenty of options for fresh produce that don't break the bank (cough, Whole Foods, cough). Current fave pre-run snack is one or two Kashi granola bars and some dried apricots. Although given my current granola bar consumption rate, I may have to resort to making my own - at $5.99 a box, those tasty little chewies definitely add up.
Food for thought (pun entirely intended) - what gets you energized for your evening or morning runs?
Obviously there are a ton of resources on the internet for foodies on the run. Shout out to Runners Kitchen for a great blog on running with some yummy looking recipes - perfect for runners logging long miles. My all-time favorite food blog, Smitten Kitchen, definitely takes advantage the city's farmer's markets and offers inexpensive, locavore(ish) recipes for the NYC foodie and runner alike.
Last moderately unrelated note, today begins my new training program for March's 15K, courtesy of Runner World's free online coaching program. Very excited for this Saturday's long run - an 11 mile trot uptown then over the Queensboro Bridge and ending on Roosevelt Island. Pretty! And after I think I'll treat myself to these delish looking muffins from SK :)
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