Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Double trouble

Citi: 3, Monica: 0. Was held hostage in my cubicle (see: shamble photo) again yesterday and forced to skip out on my planned 7 mile run. Angstangstangst. I probably could have hustled down to the gym at one point in the afternoon, but was way too paranoid that my boss would call halfway through my run and then I'd have to sprint up to a meeting nice and sweaty. Not so professional. What spandex isn't appropriate office attire? Lies.

Oh well, I made up for it today by sneaking in two runs. Mwuahahaa. Straggled back to the office this morning before 7am to pound out some work and, more importantly in my opinion, a few miles at the gym (lovely photo below). Logged six miles at what felt like a turtle's pace (9:50 - 10:00) compared to all the speedwork I've been doing the past month. However, it was a chance to check my form and see what I could do to ease this reoccurring knee pain. Not much, apparently, but I did discover that my stride is actually a lot faster than I thought. Endurance running is all about being as efficient as possible, so it's important to minimize over-striding (i.e. covering too much ground in each stripe). Elite/legit runners usually have a turnover rate of 178 to 184 a minute. If you're interested/as nerdy as I am, Runner's World had a really interesting article on how run faster by making your stride more efficient. Anyways, I counted out my stride and it turns out it's consistently between 170 to 172 - way better than I thought. Could obviously still use some tweaking but always nice to have empirical evidence of improvement.

Second run of the day was a smidge more intense... One of the "nice" things about running doubles is that your legs are more fatigued for the second run so it helps the body get accustomed to how the latter miles of a long race feel. Or least that's what I kept telling myself when I thought my quads were on fire. Started off with a warm-up mile at 9:20 to get the blood moving and then ran intervals 4 x 800 at 5K pace (~ 8:20) with 400m recovery at 10K pace (~9:05) followed by an easy mile to cool down. 11 miles total for the day - take that Citi! Can't let the man get you down. The knee held up okay but I think I'll stop behaving like an idiot and let it rest up for 48 hours. Ice ice, baby.

A few pointers on dipping your toes into the realm of running doubles. Multiple runs in a day may sound crazy, but if you're short on time to do a long run in one fell swoop or really looking to up your training, there are definitely some benefits. But first, start off slow! Don't do doubles multiple days in a row and you may even want to ease into it by running for the first workout and then doing cross-training later in the day. Make sure you give yourself plenty of time (at least 5 to 6 hours) between workouts and fuel up. I devoured Greek yogurt and granola post run then leftover Vietnamese from last night for lunch. Mmmmm pho to face.

Question of the day: What's your favorite cross-training workout? I need a little (read: a lot) of inspiration since I'll have to stick to non running workouts as I rest/ice/chop off my knee for the next day or two. Boooo. There are few things worse than the cyclebike...

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