To Tom Vargas! Who's jumped on the marathoning bandwagon and started his own running blog to catalog his adventures (clearly I'm a gchat stalker). Tom and his friend Julia have committed to running a marathon in 5 months - very impressive.
Tom's comments on only halfheartedly committing to running in the past very much struck home for me. I was definitely a running commitment-phobe during college, going through spurts of running multiple times a week then wimping out for the next few months. I mean who wouldn't want to go for a run when spring and cherry blossoms are in the air or as the foliage changes to red and gold along the C&O Canal? However life, theses, extracurriculars, and The Tombs frequently interfered with any grandiose running plans I had while at Georgetown. Let's not even talk about the number of Army Ten Milers I signed up for and didn't run... Shame spiral. In retrospect, I don't necessarily regret taking so long to discover my passion for running since any serious training may have impeded my ability to take part in Monday Night Flip Cup, 80s Night, crazy MUN trips, and so many other activities that were fundamental parts of my college experience. But with so many of my friends getting into running or bumping it up to long distance these days (Emi, Kim, Tom, Christine, Christina, and more!!), have to say it would have been super fun for us all to have done a race together at Georgetown. And go daydrinking after. Oh well, just means we'll have to coordinate training/race schedules now!
Anyways, check out Tom's blog and cheer him on at Brooks Men's Switch 3! And Tom, watch out buddy, I just may show up in DC and force you to go running with me :)
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