"Dear Monica K. Munn,
YOU HAVE SUCCESSFULLY REGISTERED FOR THE 35th MARINE CORPS MARATHON! Your registration confirmation includes any items purchased. For your convenience we have included the waiver you consented to during registration. "
12:22pm As for the elites field, Mary just announced that Deena Kastor, one of the all-time greatest female marathoners, will be competing at the 2010 NYC marathon. Equally exciting will be an appearance from Meb Keflezghi, the male winner of the 2009 NYC marathon and the first American winner since Alberto Salazar in 1982.
12:18pm 9th and final name from NYC is Lenn Burman (sp?)! I have no idea who you are, but I'm jealous you're in!
12:15pm Called the first three runners from the States to get the marathon, representing Oregon, Detroit, and Dallas so far. Just a small slice of the diversity that is the NYC Marathon.
12:11pm Win! Finally got the live stream to load. However, Mary Wittenberg, the CEO of NYRR, is speaking in slow-mo and sounds like a robot thanks to the crappy quality and overwhelmed site. Minor details.
12:04pm Okay, NYRR site, it's time for your video streaming to start working. Reality check is that I will probably have to wait till 12:30 to find out if I made the marathon as that's the time runners can check their online profiles to confirm status. Boo.
11:52am Less than 10 minutes now and the video link is active! Woooo!!
11:24am Speaking of lotteries, NYT had an interesting article a few weeks ago about the rising popularity of endurance racing events, which has forced many marathon organizers to adopt lottery systems to select participants.
11:00am ONE. HOUR.
10:14am Paul's insightful BBM commentary on my foray into live blogging - "What is this liveblogging crap? 'I got it' or 'I didn't get it.' Riveting." Thanks, friend, see if I let you GUEST BLOG at any point in the future.
9:56am For your reading/procrastination/personal edification, here are some random facts about the NYC marathon:
- Over 2 million spectators line the bridges/streets/parks of NYC to cheer on runners. That's roughly the population of Namibia!
- An 8-year old ran the marathon in 3 hours! WTF. Apparently a pint sized runner from MO finished the marathon in 3:00:37 back in the late '70s. Feeling grossly inadequate now.
- Only 55 runners finished (out of 127) the first NYC marathon in 1970. Compare that with the over 40,000 runners who completed 2009's race. Crazy CAGR whaaaaaaat?
- P Diddy ran the New York Marathon in 4:14:54 and raised over $2 million dollars for charity, setting a ridiculously high bar for charity runners everywhere.
9:02am I am officially spazzing out. In less than 3 hours, the results of the 2010 ING NYC Marathon lottery will be posted online, making thousands of runners incredibly giddy and countless more despondent. Regardless if you're in or out, NYRR is hosting lottery parties at bars across the city to celebrate/drown your sorrows. LOVE IT.
As I clearly will get negative work accomplished this morning, expect a semi-constant stream of word vomit, a close cousin of live-blogging, about the marathon, random trivia, and general excitement.
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