Monday, April 26, 2010

Running mojo

Totally nosegaming responsibility for my lacking of posting over the past two weeks to earnings season. That and a bad case of spring fever that has left me totally unwilling to touch a computie after walking (read: SPRINTING) out the office every evening. Very excited to report that my knees have finally stopped bothering me and my running mojo has returned after two months of icing, knee straps, and MOTRIN. So happy.

Last week's runs included:
  1. Tempo Run: 2 miles warm-up at 9:45mm, 4 miles at 8:45mm, and 1 mile cool-down at 9:30 for a total of 7 miles
  2. Speedwork: 2 miles warm-up at 9:30mm, 7 x 900 at 7:45 pace with 1 minute jogs at 9:20mm, 1 mile cooldown
  3. Long Run: slow 10 miles at 10:00mm. Circled downtown Manhattan per usual and enjoyed the GORGEOUS weather on Saturday.
  4. Recovery Run: Chill 5 miler at a comfortable, untimed pace. What? Not every run has to be aiming for a new PB.
Now that it's spring (and sometimes warm), running attire etiquette is definitely a topic on my mind/in my field of vision... In the winter, it's no big deal - everyone piles on layer after layer of fleece and spandex to stay warm. Well except for this NYRR runner, who bares it all no matter how cold it is. However as soon as the temp inches past 60degrees, many runners drop their clothing like it's hot. The Runners World jury was divided on if it's ever okay to run without a shirt. Let's be honest, if a guy's in great shape I'm probably not going to complain if he nixes the shirt. But generally those aren't the runners who've decided to bare it all from the waist up, and so I'm often left with retinal scarring. Sadly I'm resigned to the fact that this phenomenon will only increase as we enter the brutally hot and humid NYC summer.

Thoughts - yay or nay to shirtless running (or sports bra for the ladies)?

Stay tuned for a recap of Dasha's and my adventures in the NYC Scavenger Hunt (!!) and how running actually makes you good at life/helps you win free food. Mwuahaha!

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