Friday, November 12, 2010

A brief existential interlude

A post! Of sorts. And by post, what I really mean is a musical bribe to prolong the legit marathon write-up.  The detailed recap will eventually come; although quite frankly not sure I can top my cracked-out, delirious post race lists.  For the past week and a half, I've been experiencing a bit of postpartum marathon depression. Okay, I finished the Marine Corps, I didn't die, I still like running, and I'm crazy enough to already have a marathon planned for 2011 (NYC represent!), but what's next for the immediate future?  I NEED GOALS, PEOPLE. Currently, the tentative plan is to make friends with middle distance races. Three hour weekly long runs were certainly great for building fitness, but now I'd like to cash that in for some shorter, faster races. Oh, and reclaim my Friday nights / Saturdays. Thankfully NYRR's winter schedule has plenty of 4M, 10K, and 15Ks to keep me entertained.  Joe and Ted, I'm looking at y'all for motivation.

So in honor of my new-found devotion to the middle distance, I offer you this kick ass song by Matt & Kim to perk up your Friday afternoon.


  1. Not good enough! I want full race recap!!

  2. You're SO demanding ;) Fine. Just for you, I shall post the most detailed, entertaining recap ever.
